The Spiralize Movement, Courgetti Recipe

I have always been mesmerized by the spiralizer, but never fully appreciated it until we invested in one last month.

Live Loosley Spiralizer

I assumed that spiralizer’s would be easy to break, hard to use and difficult to keep clean. It was a nice surprise to learn the exact opposite.We have the Dexam Spiralizer – it’s easy to use, durable (I spiralized a raw sweet potato and it didn’t break) and easy to keep clean.

Some extra bonuses…

  • Using a spiralizer is a great way to fit more vegetables in your diet… AND ENJOY IT.
  • If you’re like me and end up bleeding after trying to peel something, it’s a much safer option
  • Um, it’s extremely satisfying and takes little effort
  • Nostalgic – warming memories of helping my Aunt make homemade relish come flooding back to me

Here is an easy to prepare and healthy Pesto Courgetti recipe (aka ‘courgette spaghetti’ or ‘zucchini noodles’).

Prep: 10 minutes
Cook: 5 minutes

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